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Day camps 2025

March Break Camp 

FULL DAY. Ages 4+
hildren will be split into an older and younger group)
March 10th-14th


Summer Camp 

FULL DAY Ages 4+
hildren will be split into an older and younger group)

July 7th-11th

July 14th-18th

July 21st-25th

July 28th-Aug.1st


HALF DAY! Children with Exceptionalities

Aug. 18th-22nd 
(This week is for children that do well in a setting with a smaller child to teacher ratio. This may include, but is not limited to, children with ADHD/ADD, autism, deaf/blind, down syndrome, anxiety etc.)


Get ready for everything Music and Drama! Our day camps are filled with musical instruments, games, crafts, drama, performing, meeting new friends and much more! Professional instructors will guide children to reach their full potential in a comfortable environment! By the end of the week, campers will learn a show to perform that will either be done live or by video on the last day of camp. 

Cost- $235+HST (FULL DAY)
Cost- $185+HST (Children with Exceptionalities. HALF DAY)

Registration form and full camp fee must be submitted prior to the start date to hold your spot

By the end of the week, campers will learn a song to perform.The performance will either be done live, or by a video that will be sent out at the end of camp. 

Instruments offered include the piano, guitar, ukulele, violin/fiddle, vocals, percussion and more!

Drama activities may include (based on the interests of the children) a p
uppet show, clowning, fairytale play
scripted play, improvisation, radio play, marionettes, improvisation, miming, and more!

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